Commercial Window Cleaners in Brighton and Worthing
Clean view Commercial window cleaners will leave your business sparkling, we will wash your windows and frames with 100% purified water to a spot free finish.
The water in Sussex is hard which means it has a high mineral content. It has a parts per million reading of 390ppm. After the water has been through our purification process (reverse osmosis) the water is 000ppm, which is why the windows dry off to a spot free finish. Using purified water means the windows stay cleaner for longer as there is no residues or chemicals on the glass so when there is a rainfall there is nothing to activate on the glass.
Benefits of using Clean View for commercial window cleaning...
- The pole has a soft brush that will wash and rinse away dirt from crevices traditional methods can't reach.
- We clean offices, shops, public houses, industrial premises, nursing homes, hotels, guest houses and schools.
- We can clean soffits, facades, cladding, signs and gutters.
- We have been proud members of the safe approved contractor for 6 years.
- We have risk assessments and method statements.
- We are I paf certified and are City and Guildslevel 2 trained.
- Are staff are uniformed with high visibility jackets and comply with health and safety regulations.
- We can clean upto a height of 80 feet (6-7floors) using our reach and wash system.
- All operatives will work from the safety of the ground.
- Internal window cleaning service if required.
Occasionally some buildings cannot be cleaned or are impossible to access by using conventional methods so using a hydraulic platform vehicle allows us to access windows frames and facades to a maximum height of 100 feet (9-10floors).
Cherry pickers/hydraulic platforms are available on a hire only basis only and we have negotiated excellent rates from Winner hire in Worthing, West Sussex so the savings will be passed on to our clients.